ORK insulation of Florida offers premium insulation services for homeowners in Florida and surrounding areas. We deal with the good installation of quality insulation materials to give that greatest benefit and comfort to wish for.

Residential insulation is a process of insulating homes where people live, in order to fix some likely issues in the residential areas.

 It is a method by which insulation materials are used to reduce heat loss or heat gain by stipulating a barrier between the inside of residential areas and the different temperatures outside of the areas.

 Home is one of the biggest investments where one can spend the majority of their lifetime, so it is paramount to make it comfortable as much as possible with a good temperature to stay in year-round. 

 However, homeowners insulate their residential area in order to meet different needs such as regulating home heating and cooling spot, generating greater energy efficiency,  and good soundproofing.  


During the winter or summer period, the proper home insulation can help in lowering the energy bills and keep the home in a very comfortable condition. It is paramount to know that when choosing to insulate residential homes, it will impact the conduction (heat transfer and the convection (airflow) which plays a significant role in the home energy effectiveness and comfort. 

Types of Residential Insulation

There are three major types of residential insulation, they are:

  • Spray foam/ injection foam
  • Fiberglass
  • Cellulose

Blown-in insulation can also be recommended for homeowners because its material is much smaller and more flexible to get into tight and smaller spaces to fill the cracks and openings more effectively. This type of insulation also fills the home’s pipes, beams, and other shaped objects. 


The most important part to insulate in residential homes is the attic because it through it hot air rises in the winter period thereby making the house uncomfortable to live in and drive up the energy bills.

Good residential insulation saves the homeowners money and decreases the use of excess energy usage. 


Importance of Residential Insulation

  • Residential insulation keep homeowners comfortable in their abode
  • It creates more uniform temperatures and fewer drafts throughout the home
  • It works effectively for soundproofing unwanted noises
  • It keeps the home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer period
  • It prevents high utility bills